Tafels en stoelen
Mint & Passe Partout Designer
Hans Daalder (1963) graduates from the Design Academy in Eindhoven in 1989.
In 1990 he establishes his design studio and starts working for manufacturers of high quality furniture and office-furniture in Europe. Soon he finds his work catches on. A large clientele appreciates the high quality and the clear, original style of his designs.
Hello everybody
Let me introduce myself.
I am Hans Daalder, 51 years old, husband and father (a pretty good one, I think), runner (not such a good one) and furniture designer.
Honestly, the most beautiful profession that exists!
How do I work?
I talk a lot to furniture manufacturers, technicians and vendors about the wishes of our customers. The world changes quickly and our products need to respond to that. Today’s consumer is very well informed, and our furniture has to cater for all the needs in terms of looks, comfort, sustainability and quality. And of course, always at the right price.
Do I work alone?
Certainly not! Our designers develop concepts in consultation with our customers and production experts. It is also important to reflect on the quality of a design. We always question ourselves: “Is this good enough? Would I decorate my own home with this piece of furniture?”
If Mariksa, my assistant at the studio says: “I would like to have that myself”, we are on the right track. “I am nobody without my team”. That is what I often say.
How do I work with ‘Passe-Partout’?
Dirk Steenbeeke and I have a match! We understand each other well and know what the other wants. That is important to grow towards the perfect collection. Enthusiasm is also of major importance. But all of this is very good. Dirk is one of the most passionate men I have ever known. We keep each other on our toes and we can be open and honest. Always respectful and with a positive mindset and striving to be the best!
I proudly sign for ‘Passe-Partout’
Hans Daalder
Wilfordkaai 10B/C
9140 Temse – Belgium
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